HarryJenkins replied

357 weeks ago


I created an administrator, gave the administrator "View statistics" Privileges, set Super Admin to no, and had them update their password.
When that admin logs on, the admin can click "View statistics". Once the admin clicks that link, the page goes to "Statistics Overview" and shows the campaigns in the last year. If the admin clicks on any of the campaigns, the error: "You do not have access to this page" is displayed.
If the admin clicks "Statistics" in the menu bar and then selects "View clicks per url" or "View clicks by campaign" the message "There are currently no statistics available" is displayed.
If the admin clicks "View opens by campaign", the massage "There are currently no campaigns to view" is displayed. Below that message is a "Available campaigns" list is displayed with one row. The available campaign is called "Comparison to other admins"
NOTE: this behavior occurs even if all listed Privileges are selected but Super Admin is no.
Is the only way to allow an admin to see the statistics information to mark them a Super Admin?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Thank you.
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