Pony Admin replied

682 weeks ago

VitalStatistics runs events from approximately 6:30pm to 12 midnight EST each night. Events are scheduled to change based on the general interest of the linkshell. Right now we're focused on Voidwatch, but it's possible that will change over time. We also do Einherjar and additional mercenary activities from time to time.

Ok. So you're really going to apply. Great. You're going to follow a format so we can determine 2 things right off the bat:
1) You're not an illiterate retard. Communication is important. We're not good at listening as a group so your ability to communicate concisely is appreciated.
2) You can follow basic instructions. This is also critical. If you're told to do something and you screw it up, you're going to hear about it. Actually, you're not just going to hear about it. You're going to get put in the internet corner and then get the ever-loving shit berated out of you.


List your character name along with previous linkshells (and servers if appropriate)

List your current jobs. If you list a job, you should have it at 99 and fully merited. We don't care if you're planning on playing blm in 3 months, we care about what you have right now. If you have a job, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IT. Pulling one of these "Oh, I have 99 WHM, but I don't like playing it, so I'm going to come NIN" is not going to fly. You'll just get snapped. End of story.

Along with your jobs, list the notable "hard to get" gear you have for those jobs. This includes any relic/mythic/empyrean weapons you may have as well as basic gear sets that you use on your jobs. Pearl and Teal do not count as "hard to get" gear. I swear to God if I see a fucking app with Pearl and Teal Sets on it I will just burn the post down. You will cry and feel bad, and odds are good you will be mocked mercilessly.

Finally put a note about why you're interested in joining VS. We're only looking for the best of the best, so if you get a shot, make it count.

Thanks for your interest in joining. Alternatively you can contact either Kainstryder, Kenzhirou or Tsquall in game. Odds are good if you contact me I will just tell you to talk to Kain.
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