Xengran replied

421 weeks ago

Cloud Reference Architecture Pdf Download > urlin.us/3vf5d

The intention here is not to reinvent the wheel, but consolidate the elements contained across the different reference architectures, models and frameworks for Cloud Computing into a unified framework. We developed a detailed RA for SOA and a RM for SOA, with particular emphasis on a rich and detailed Meta Model for SOA and a Maturity Model for SOA. Analysis of the these shows that they typically contain, Roles – that would be better placed in the Organization section of an RF Activities – which would be part of the Process Model Layered Architecture – which would be part in the Reference Architecture Used this way, the generalized RF in figure 1 becomes a useful tool to analyze proposed Cloud Computing Reference architectures, models and frameworks in terms of understanding better what they actually contain, and a basis for development of an enterprise specific framework. Please sign in if you wish to comment. Whilst the cloud provider may be required to provide the necessary management capabilities, both the consumer and provider perform management activities. To understand the totality of the task and to manage the adoption in a proactive manner rather than allowing uncontrolled experimentation.

Whereas most of the Cloud Computing Reference architectures, models and frameworks proposed today apply to a single perspective. Hence mapping capabilities to role in table 2 is another useful exercise, understanding who provides and who uses various capabilities. Reference ‘Things’ A Reference Architecture (RA) “should” provide a blueprint or template architecture that can be reused by others wishing to adopt a similar solution. In developing the CBDI-Service Architecture and Engineering Reference Framework (SAE) in support of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Everware-CBDI separated out various parts as shown in figure 1. Where activities or capabilities are mapped to layers in an architecture such as application or resource layers or to the service management architecture or security architecture Cloud Security Alliance Reference Model is one of many layered models showing the cloud ‘stack’ CISCO Cloud Reference Architecture Framework is an architecture of architecture, placing Cloud on top of layers of Service, Security and Technology architectures IEFT Cloud Reference Framework goes into more depth, showing the capabilities for each layer. Contact Us Ifyou'd like to discuss how we can help with your Cloud Computing initiatives. Cookies are required to use this site. For example activities in the process decomposition can be mapped against roles – either organizational roles or people roles - perhaps using RAEW, as shown in Table 1. Reference architectures, models and frameworks help to make sense of Cloud Computing.

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